Tuesday 20 February 2007

Hobnobs are magical cookie/biscuit type things that we have a coffee talks here at the IC London center. What is a coffee talk you ask- well basically whoever wants to gathers in Bill's office (our fearless leader) and chat and munch on hobnobs and, tea, hot chocolate, and coffee. Which brings me to something that has been a large presence in my time in London so far: HOT CHOCOLATE.

I am a supreme fan of the drink and this country possesses hot chocolate of the most amazing quality. Every place is different, but I often find myself drinking what could be mistaken for a mug of pure melted chocolate, which makes me really really happy.

My internship is going well and I am really excited to be surrounded by passionate, driven, and creative people. The professional development centre at The Circus Space that I intern for provides practice space and resources for professionals in the field of circus. Because I have a background in Circus my supervisor arranged for me to audition for the program and I got in! I am now allowed to practice aerial tissu, trampoline, acrobatics, and handstands on my own. It is really awesome to work behind the scenes as an intern and then actually benefit from the work by being a part of the professional development centre.

I live in a spacious flat with 5 wonderful roommates, but I was feeling that the living room needed a little boost so I made some flowers out of the pages of an old fashion magazine. See the photo!

For Spring break some friends and I are going to Costa Del Sol on the cost of Spain. I'm excited to explore somewhere new. I haven't been traveling much on weekends because there is so much to absorb in London! I do plan to travel after the spring term is over though- I can't wait. I have opportunities to work with the youth programme at The Circus Space on weekends too, an incentive to stay in the area.

Today is international pancake day- a day that is not justly advertised in the states but they LOVE advertising here (although I don't really think they eat pancakes) BUT anyway- I'm going to make some for dinner!


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